These images were created for an artistic zine produced for a documentary photography assignment. The assignemnt was co-curricular course taught by Mr. Mark King at the Errol Barrow Centre for Creative Imagination, the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus in 2013. The general theme is texture, specifically urban texture. I wanted to document something that was consistent in every human experience but was also something which is constantly changing and evolving. Like living things, the man-made and urban environment also decays. It is constantly degrading; walls wear, paint chips away, metal rusts, and things rot. It's a matter of fact and a pervasive part of our human experience and environment. The changes in colour and texture can be quite interesting but are often ignored in our day to day lives. When not ignored, it is often seen as disgusting, dirty or unwanted. However when explored and otherwise considered it's hard not to appreciate the beauty in the colour, patterns, abstract shapes, asymmetry, boldness and subtleness, and most potently the texture of our urban world. The photos compiled here were taken from the rich urban landscape in Barbados. Photos were taken in Bridgetown and surrounding residences such as Bank Hall, Bush Hall, and Bay Street. In producing this project I sought to capture and portray this texture, explore the different forms and degrees of degradation, the different qualities of texture, how we perceive it, and how it surrounds us.